Study Abroad UK blog

Transfer of Credits for USA students in England

Transfer of Credits for USA students in England

Friday 28th March 2014

Many US teens have travelled England and successfully transferred their educational credits.

If you want your study in the UK to be useful when you return home, it is strongly recommended that you explore options to transfer credits. To obtain credits back home for work done in England, we recommend students contact their guidance counsellor. Ask about a written policy for transferring credits.

Get your guidance counsellor to make a special written document that states exactly what you have achieve whilst you are in England. Make sure they write down what you need to do for them to be able to transfer your credits. Your guidance counsellor might ask you to select and study the same or similar subjects when in England. For example History or a science. They might as to obtain an attendance record or a copy of the class notes. Whatever you do, never leave for England without a written record of what your home school requires to transfer your credits. Spoken word can be forgotten or even worse you may be assigned a new counsellor who does not understand exchange programmes. Don't forget to copy your transfer of credits document, bring one to England and leave one at home.

In addition to your counsellor requests and document we strongly recommend and encourage students to compile a portfolio of written work produced to take back home school and submit for The portfolio should include the following items:- course syllabi and handouts from UK school; written assignments completed and marked in the UK; a reference from class tutors in school, verifying those subjects studied and commenting on student behaviour and performance; and, a reference from our organisation verifying that a student has attended a full time cultural exchange programme.

We help students to obtain credits Study Abroad UK are willing to liaise with the USA school and the UK school. We will always do our best to help you