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How to choose an exchange progam Advice for exchange students

How to choose an exchange progam Advice for exchange students

Friday 4th April 2014

Choosing a student exchange organization to travel with can be difficult. Just because a study abroad organization has a flashy website don't assume the service is good or meets any particular standards. Any reputable study abroad organization will have a contactable phone number with a real person to talk to or if there are significant time differences a real person should be readily available to call you back at a time to suit you. If you are travelling to a different country, the person who deals with you should be very knowledgeable about customs, education systems, host families, transportation etc. If the questions you ask are not answered extensively walk away. Any reputable student organization will want to put your mind at rest about your plans and solve your enquires. A reputable organization will spend time writing personalized emails not generic pre-written emails

Spend time calling different study abroad organizations. Are they interested in you or just trying to cut you a deal?

Compare services: Do you get any extras? travel pass, cell phone, excursions
Where do they place: Can they guarantee a city area or might you end up somewhere rural?
What is the application procedure? Do they sound genuine?
What happens when you arrive? What support is in place?